The Life and Loves of a Craft Wrangler
February 05, 2022by Jennifer Engleman

Single life in the year 2020 and 2021, and so far 2022, has been strange to say the least. Those that are single can probably relate to this - Do you go out? Do you go online? If you connect with someone, do you actually meet up? Do you wear your mask the entire time? Do you kiss?! Oh my. The stress. The more I thought about all of this, the deeper I dove into my craft room.
My craft room is much like my love life. I can’t really call this space a “sewing” studio as I am a serial crafter. My Aunt had a blog called “Another Shiny Ball” and I related so hard to this. I love to do so many different creative things and how will I know I don't like something if I don't at least try it? Paper dolls, a blonde soccer boy, drawing, an intense drama classmate, miniatures, a well-read law student during college, beading, a super nice guy that is now female, crochet, an art editor to a big newspaper who loved taking me to the symphony and drinking champagne, sewing, name it. I've taken long breaks from dating in the same way I lose my sew-jo now and again.
Right now my craft room, much like my love life, is a total disaster. I thought I would start a little series as I clean up my craft room and my love life. It could be fun and/or hilarious or hilariously bad.
I want to hear stories from you all too!! We all have them. Maybe I will feature you as a guest spot and you can tell us all about your dating and/or craft room fiascos too.
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